Unfortunately, quite a few people will wake up every morning struggling to get out of bed because of back pain. They find themselves bent over the bathroom sink, battling the back pain, as teeth get brushed.
Some of these back problems are caused by faulty sleeping positions. Some sleep positions can put added pressure on your shoulders, hips, lower back and neck, all of which can lead to pain. There is no one-size-fits-all sleep position that alleviates back pain for everyone, but you can try to adapt your sleeping position so that you can sleep more soundly.
Let’s start with a position that no one should sleep in under any circumstance: On the Stomach: This position is a common offender. By sleeping on your front, you are compressing your spine all night long and your head and neck are twisted to one side. Changing your sleeping position is not the easiest thing in the world, but you could try to wear a pocket T-shirts with a tennis ball tucked into the pocket.
Another sleep position to be avoided is: Half stomach sleeper (On the side with one leg hiked up higher than the other) This position is like sleeping on your stomach, but it also twists and torques the pelvis. The neck is still twisted, albeit not as much as when sleeping on the stomach. This is still in an unfavourable position. Some people use a bathrobe belt to tie their legs together. By doing so they cannot separate their legs and avoid this position.
The best way to sleep is on your back or on your side. There is really not an awful lot in these two positions. When lying on your back, you might want to place a pillow under your knees to allow the spine to maintain its natural curve. If you are a side sleeper you might want to draw your legs slightly toward your chest and sleep with a pillow between your knees.
Please do be aware, that any sleeping position has the potential to amplify back pain if you maintain it for too long. There is of course the issue of choosing the right mattress and pillows which is a personal preference.
If a few changes to your sleep position do not help your back pain, it may be time to get your back checked by a professional.