Our Process

Initial Review
During this initial appointment, your chiropractor will aim to establish a clearer picture of your symptoms and overall health. You will be free to explain these factors in as much detail as you like, and our chiropractors will also be able to listen to any confidential or personal information you may want to share which relates to your condition. This is also your chance to express any concerns you might have about possible treatments or your symptoms.
At this point we’ll let you know whether, for any reason, we feel that your symptoms would not benefit from our treatment. If this is the case, we can refer you to a local healthcare professional who specialises in your particular condition. We will not charge you for our time and expertise if we do not think we can help you.

As part of your initial assessment, our expert staff will complete a full, professional examination. This will include checking your muscles, joints and nerves.
It may feel like some parts of this examination aren’t relevant to your specific complaint, but looking more broadly at your health – factors such as blood pressure, breathing, posture and gait can help us to determine whether your complaint is suitable for chiropractic treatment.

At Milton Chiropractic Clinic, we welcome the arrival of new technologies which can help make your recovery process even faster and more effective. As such, we may use items such as state of the art scanners to provide us with a scanned image of your spine. This can help us identify any possible weakness which might be aggravating your condition.
These scans are non-invasive and aren’t at all painful. They will help us determine the best possible treatment plan for your symptoms.

After we’ve obtained a full picture of your symptoms and your health, we will fully explain our findings in simple language which is easy to understand, using models and pictures to help. This will inform you of the reasons behind your pain and discomfort, including any underlying causes. Together we will create a clear treatment plan, explaining the kinds of treatments we would like to use.
After the first few weeks of your treatment at Milton chiropractic, we will monitor your progress by performing a second, completely free scan. We will also repeat our initial examination to see how your spinal mobility has improved.